Each investor is responsible for their own decisions. I need information on mortgages and liens, I am a debtholder or any other securityholder, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Log in to Employee Online to manage your details and transact, Help for shareholders and their representatives, Log in to Investor Centre to manage your details and transact, I received a Lost Holder Verification Notice, Retain a registered plan trustee for investment firms and mutual fund dealers, Arrange for other corporate trust services, Stay ahead of regulatory and market issues, Full service administration for your equity awards, Stay compliant and minimize business risk, Ensure compliance with regulatory filings. If you want to save a bit of money, you can transfer to a broker who can DRS transfer for free (M1 charges $100 to transfer to another broker). If more, I guess you have a few options: YOU PRESSURE THEM TO GET IT DONE FASTER: They will more likely push back but you can try. I won't be tempted to touch them. INTERNATIONAL APES: you'll need to fill a W8-BEN form. 0000009131 00000 n Step 3. Chat Method - Start a 'Ask TED' chat and ask for an Outbound DRS Transfer or call 1-800-652-4584 and request to talk to someone for an Outbound DRS Transfer. You gotta be patient unless you ain't (see below if that's the case). He knew. All rights reserved. Step 1. Contact CS ~48-72h later to make sure all is fine (GME Team: +1 877-373-6374 and press *99 (or 0) twice then state it's for Gamestop). Mais oui! ComputerShare is not some shady company. Thanks for reaching out to us. Manage your share portfolio, update your details, access tax forms, view balances and more. Computershare Trust Company, N.A., P.O. Hi! They don't have a form but based on what other brokers are asking, you want to anticipate and provide all the details. NOTE: For transparency, it didn't work for me since my postcode (ZIP) is 4 digits. 0000012089 00000 n By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You need to fill the form called "Transfer Shares as a Gift - Nonretirement". I noticed it doesn't work if your postcode as letters in it. Step 2. 0000001539 00000 n Call the following number 1-800-756-0128 1-800-343-3548 and say it's for 'stock certificates' Step 2. This time it will be 98% of my shares instead of 30%. Step 3. Copyright 2023 UseFidelity | About Me | This site is not affiliated or endorsed by Fidelity Investments Inc. How to DRS Your GME Stock Share to Fidelity, Fidelity (MMH2000) Bank Transfer Cannot Be Processed, How to Fix Fidelity App Not Working or Wont Open. All of my shares have been settled for a while. This is NOT a broker-to-broker transfer, this is a transfer to an official registrar, a transfer agent to get shares in your name. I am waiting on my account number. I currently own 300 shares of GME (Gamestop) in my Computershare brokerage account. DTC# 7807. Time to send it to your broker. Op, edit your first line of TD ameritrade. - There are 2 parts to the DRS process: The process with your broker (ie: how long it takes for them to initiate the DRS transfer). Step 4. If having verified my account details in CS online, as well as verifying my account via prompt before speaking with an agent on Fidelity's end made any impact? Didn't even have to say what I wanted. When it asks you how you want to fund your account, select transfer from another brokerage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can write it informally, or use the following templates: If you don't have an existing Computershare account: If you have an existing Computershare account: To verify online, Computershare will ask some security questions based on info they take from LexisNexis. . As stated above, they are not a broker yet the shares will show on your CS account, not your existing broker account. Now that the issue has been resolved, you can go ahead and submit your DRS request. It can take 3-5 business days for the lots to show correctly on Fidelity.com. Please note: this will take you to one of our external sites, Manage your cap table and self-administer employee equity plans. I just wanted to share my personal experience transferring shares, to hopefully assist or convince encourage a fence-sitter that this is truly the way (not financial advice). 0000018605 00000 n Step 3. You can also mention the Ombudsman for Banking Services & Investments (OBSI), The CSA and even threaten to file a financial institution complain at a federal level. I did not need to provide any other information. Once your shares and $115 are settled in SoFi: You can login and send them a Letter of Instruction through their Contact Us page. International apes can certainly buy and transfer into CS. # NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, JP Morgan will take care of it# FEES: $75# PROCESS COMPLEXITY: #TIMING: 2-4 days# METHOD: Form/Secure Mail or Phone. The Transfer Wizard will provide step-by-step instructions, walk you through the transfer process and assist you in completing the online form. Access Investor Centre. You can write it informally, or use the following templates: GameStop specific template, blank template for any stock. The stock (GameStop), its ticker (GME) , and its CUSIP (36467W109). SoFi to Fidelity Route: Open an account with Fidelity. Check it out and don't hesitate to drop names like IIROC (as they regulate WS and some brokers). Log to brokerage account and click on the mail icon to the right of your screen >> Send Documents through secure mail >> Attach the LoI (paperclick icon) >> Send >> Folders, Your ticket will be allocated to your broker. Unfortunately, for the majority of international apes, it is not possible to open an account with CS directly. 0000002663 00000 n Step 1. 0000011728 00000 n If your name and address match exactly, then the transfer will process within the normal amount of time. Step 1. Access Issuer Online. Your broker may ask you for a Computershare account number. If you want to try and save some money, you can transfer to a broker who can DRS transfer for free. You can find a template here . The process was so completely easy from start to finish. If you have acquired more than 4 lots, you might need to attached a word doc. The Transfer Agent's name, DTC number, and address. For me, I want these shares in MY name, not street name. There is no more need for the verification code. Hope this clears things up! SuperStonk Post: When you wish upon a star - a complete guide to Computershare. The number of shares to transfer and the preferred cost basis calculation method for determining "which" shares would be transferred. If you want to try and save some money, you can transfer to a broker who can DRS transfer for free. So read the questions carefully. As a result, some investors were not able to transfer their GME shares to Fidelity. If you are ready to start the process of direct registration (DRS) for a non-retirement Fidelity account, please give us a call. trailer I can't find it anymore, so go figure. 0000023128 00000 n Then, Fidelity would manage your DRS transfer in a few days (about 3) so no reason to not bring them business. Rep will submit the request/form to their "Outgoing Transfer Specialist", # NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, WB will take care of it, # IMPORTANT 2: Double/Triple check your shares are not lent. They should have a secured message center. (Check the preface FAQs for more on this), # NOTE: V will take care of opening CS account# FEES: $0# PROCESS COMPLEXITY: # TIMING: ~5-7 days# METHOD: Phone. All rights reserved. I just wanted to share my personal experience transferring shares, to hopefully assist or convince encourage a fence-sitter that this is truly the I did this process and was told by fidelity they require an account number so I have to do it all over again. With IBKR it's a simple process, I am currently in it. Fidelity Total Price Improvement: What Is It? It's best to contact your employer or reach out to the institution holding your funds to determine how many units can be transferred. I've made a blank template you can use here you can use as an attachment. If you want to save some money, you could transfer to Fidelity for a slightly lower fee. Make sure you understand if that works for you and call it out to them if not. 0000009490 00000 n Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The end result though is a transfer from Friday morning to Tuesday morning. Each investor is responsible for their own decisions. Fees at $1,000 make it quite prohibitive to transfer IMO. Fidelity have been known to reimburse up to $75 if asked. From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: Thought I'd make some bad charts for you visual apes to show what happens when shares are direct registered. At that point, they should be able to pull the right form and help you out. It's worth checking if you can't find your broker in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 or 4. hey, my account number appears as @*****####, where @ is a letter, # are numerals, and the asterisks are litterally asterisks. DTC# 7807. Once scanned, send it via the secure message center in the TDA interface (when logged in). I have a fidelity cash brokerage account. BOX 505000 LOUISVILLE, KY 40233-5000 COMPUTERSHARE'S DTC NUMBER: 7807 ----------------- Fidelity (US) You would have to deal with CS in the US. I agree to the fee of $100 US associated with the DRS transfer). Please note: this will take you to one of our external sites, Manage your cap table and self-administer employee equity plans. Send an email to CommsecInternationalSettlements@cba.com.au and commsecinternationaldesk@cba.com.au with the subject line: "Outbound DRS Transfer - Pershing [YOURACCOUNTNUMBER]", # Note: You don't need to open a ComputerShare account, Avanza will take care of it as part of the process. startxref This is a repost of my initial DRS series. If you ask Fidelity, they can reimburse the $75 transfer fee. Once your your shares and $100 are settled in Public, you can send them a Letter of Instruction. I have issued an updated guide available here (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmsq3u/transferring_shares_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/) This will help to TRANSFER a portion/all of your GME shares to Computershare. For more information, you can refer to our most recent Hot Topic post: Direct Registration System (DRS) Transfers and how we lend shares. - See bottom of this post for more on this. Anything above this will require written notice. Step 2. 2. ork with your contra broker to complete the International Transfer Request Form (see attached). TLDR: Called Friday Morning, shares in Computershare today (9/28). Provide all details to verify your identity + card details to pay for the Express request. This sexy ape called u/Bibic-Jr is keeping a good log of all brokers. Download and fill the Letter of Authorization form from their site. If you are not planning on selling these, why do you care if they are in transit? ALSO IMPORTANT: You should check with your broker before transferring to another broker or CS as it could lead to your positions being sold/liquidated or your account being blocked during the process. What Is SPAXX in Fidelity? Last month, there was a technical difficulty within Fidelity that prevent DRS transfer from happening. Currently waiting on another order to go through on CS (bring on the dip Kenny!). Step 1. I was able to register an account with Computershare today and the shares are in that account. Start a buy order, they will withdraw from your bank and they do large buy orders every Thursday. This is a restricted community. Why Is This Under My Account? I've done that and CS confirmed my account was created and I just needed to wait for my registration details by post (about 2-3 weeks for US, 2-4 for International). This can be handwritten or typed, but it must be signed with wet ink. NOTE: You are basically gifting/transferring these shares to yourself. You'll need a few details ready: Your Commsec Account referred as Pershing Account Number, the security name (GME), and the CUSIP (36467W109). Transferring an IRA to CS is possible. If you are in the US or Canada, you can check u/BananyaBangarang who has put together an awesome guide. You can also do Online form, Step 1. Dr T has been preaching this for months with CMKM as an example that exposed phantom shares. Your CS account #. Answer security questions such as Social Security number, ZIP Code, name of the stock that you hold (GameStop). Took 3-4 business days for the order to process and roughly a week in total time for the shares to be settled. This is Part 1 of the Step-by-Step Guide to transfer to Computershare out of your broker. Step 2. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: You need to be 200% accurate with these details and they need to be matching the details your broker would have passed on to CS. 0000040821 00000 n From here you can follow the Fidelity guide located here. DRSGME does not give financial advice. You can call CS right away and request an express package. In GameStop's case that's: Computershare US. 0000029697 00000 n Fidelity is a popular choice for being free . Box 505005, Louisville, KY 40233-5005. Step 2. DON'T HESITATE TO FLEX UP. Open an account with Fidelity. # Note: You don't need to open a ComputerShare account, IBKR will take care of it as part of the process. Box 505005 Louisville, KY 40233-5005 (888) IBM-6700 (United States, Canada and Puerto Rico) (781) 575-2727 (all other areas) ibm@computershare.com When you receive the verification code letter: If you have any corrections, or know of any other brokers, please let us know through the. We have found that holders who use the Transfer Wizard are three times LESS likely to have their request rejected for missing information. The date now is Friday, September 24. DRS is share ownership without paper stock certificates. Once you submit your transfer request, youll receive a confirmation number. From start to finish it took two days to get mine transferred. Make sure you follow up with them. Step 2. $1m/transaction so definitely lower than my floor. . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Open an account with Fidelity. Login using the username, and password you have created. When you transfer or sell DRS shares, the transaction takes The broker and Computershare will take care of the transfer and open a Computershare account for you. 0000029900 00000 n You'll then get a verification link to your email. It sounds fucking dumb to say but be confident about what you are requesting and be ready with more information than you probably need (read this post). Once your account is created, Computershare will send you a verification letter in the mail. I need information on mortgages and liens, I am a debtholder or any other securityholder, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Log in to Employee Online to manage your details and transact, Help for shareholders and their representatives, Log in to Investor Centre to manage your details and transact, I received a Lost Holder Verification Notice, Retain a registered plan trustee for investment firms and mutual fund dealers, Arrange for other corporate trust services, Stay ahead of regulatory and market issues, Full service administration for your equity awards, Stay compliant and minimize business risk, Ensure compliance with regulatory filings. Double-check that you won't need the $500 deposit. When it asks you how you want to fund your account, select transfer from another brokerage. The fastest solution is certainly as an attachment to a secure email sent from your TD Ameritrade account. Your broker will transfer the shares based on your name and address. DRS is not available from a retirement account. Step 4. Step 2. Return. Your shares are held in book-entry form. Direct Registration System (DRS) Transfers and how we lend shares. W Best to go buy a share on computer share then drs from fidelity. Your account number, full name, SSN/Tax ID. There is also a possibility of a $115 fee if the transfer is rejected. #, then press 4 then 2. 0000003697 00000 n Type a quick message and include your signed attachment. We can't take DRS for granted. 0000027702 00000 n If not, then it will take another 2-3 business days. This is strictly speculation, but I wonder (and these are questions I propose for discussion) if already having a CS account sped the process up? They have a form allowing to do a Transfer out for DRS. Things you need to know and/or might need. The stock (GameStop), its ticker (GME), and its CUSIP (36467W109). Just click on 'Compose' > 'New Ticket' > 'Funds & Banking' > 'Position Transfers' and type a fancy subject line like "Outbound DRS Transfer - Computershare" or something easy for them to identify. # Note: You don't need to open a ComputerShare account, Commsec will take care of it as part of the process. If you are prompted by the automated system, say "stock certificates" to be connected with the correct Customer Service representative. Download, print, fill, and scan the Fidelity form called 'Transfer Shares as a Gift - NonRetirement' (Note this is to transfer shares that are NOT in a registered account with tax benefits for retirement). DRSGME does not give financial advice. We have collected feedback from our Reddit posters about wanting that capability, but at this time we are only able to DRS shares from a non-retirement account. Are asking, you could transfer to a secure email sent from your TD ameritrade account like (! 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