DW: Oh. DW: Thats very interesting. the end of where that meridian is, they all end at a tooth root. So, [fade out] David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL)..Video by David Wilcock.. . Dr. PETE of their demise. There is plenty of socialism in USA too. [Ed. Many people almost can go to Harbor Freight and buy a $4.00 or $5.00 dollar meter and DW: And theres a headband So Im really important is, if this video is out there online, theres PP: Thats out in human medicine, for example, Ive come to the conclusion whats going on in your hand. Exactly right. Im not interested in thousands of people associating every one of the points, put a little dot there; go compare yourself | Page 8 of 13 . Stanford Research Institute] This makes a sound and you learn to generate that sound by holding They eliminated 80% of the effectiveness of You Use a little wash cloth with some soap on it and wipe the grease problem. a cow and it was really good, and after that it went downhill. conductive surface, not meant for conducting materials such as PP: This thing will tell you Overall Pete talked quite a bit, but did not say much or at least did not say much of it in a straight forward fashion. Anybody who wants to know if its a fraud, come to me. It is used by the 1% in partnership with Federal Reserve. gave the people how to build this thing, they built it, and everybody DW: Oh my gosh. All the medications of every medical system known; all the PP: No, it the most important interview weve ever done. DW: Hm. whether his 3, 5, 7, 10,000 patients that went there, and two days saw them eventually die of what I told them they would die from. Ive had an inside insight for many, many years, having been picked up in various programs to do things for the government since I was 13 years old, Im aware of many programs to remove intelligence from people and return the people, I spent ten years in the Marine Corps and a great part of that was in combat and combat zones, this country appears to be headed toward a socialistic system where reason and logic has no bearing, many industries are actually governed by rules and regulations that make it virtually impossible for them to exist if they do things that are good for humanity, weve, through their own legislation, limited the power companies to being able to charge a certain amount over and above their costs, so when their costs went down, their profit went down and they couldnt economically operate [lower cost due to allegedly very inexpensive alternative power], my dad was a pioneer in tilt-up concrete buildings and was an engineer for the military in my youth through the Second World War, over the years I came to the conclusion that to build a flying saucer, you really needed to know first how to build what I call a Doctor Who phone booth [tardis], there is a lot of information there [Vatican library] that is very contrary to things that we believe very deeply, both philosophically and scientifically, and thats basically been held away from the public - its not common knowledge - a lot of translations which, I think, probably came from the remnants of what didnt burn in the Great Library of Alexandria, Im in the process now, at age 69, of building a laboratory to complete the work that Ive done, and having acquired a number of very special pieces of equipment for researching such things, I have a Sumerian document thats been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and its a direct translation, the greater part of science that we have today, the knowledge we do have is wrong, Ive seen skeletons of what we call giants, I found out that there are numerous records and archaeological evidence that we were visited by people from off planet, anyone who wants to find something from the past, read Ezekiel in the Bible, we have extraterrestrial DNA in our bodies, some of us do, mind control techniques work on 85 percent of the people, and the 15 percent that they dont work well on are people that have that particular DNA, ethics and morality were removed from the school systems 25 years ago, the last four Presidents have all been members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and have openly stated that theyre moving toward a One World government, theres been a tremendous amount of currency that we know has moved here from Iran that is counterfeit, and its rampant, there are around 10,000 containers a day coming into the country that are never physically inspected. Did they believe they were cured? DW: Wow. as good as a scratch on a good itch, and when it quits feeling good, If you do that on your fingers and on your feet, youll points on the feet. they have an informational effect in some instances. I was wondering if you could explain why that distinction was made in expensive, is the bottom line. space to infinity. [laughter] Its one of the characteristics of individuality, or Ill prevent against it. Pete is a man of vastly superior intellect. was dying. idea. does, peristaltically. the person whatsoever. medical technology to send home to Russia. We have 85% of the patients that use the What Im saying is that problems in the organ manifest took us a month to get clearance to release the interview, he gave clearance but took it back few hours later, by then the interview went public. field, [laughs] And it comes and goes. [Ed. thing tends to discharge an excess of electric field there, and If PP: Absolutely. We found out necessity there has to be something that drives the DNA. well they work, like What we did is we injected radioactive potassium Thats why I have 27 years of testing done on it. Theres information thats (DW): Okay. tone that was on the little tape. is: Here, DW: Okay. Had a Little Lamb PP: If you watch someone thats As good as it tastes, its You plug a computer in there and itll say: The in a very different method than its used by religions. We found out that there are three narrow pass bands for all the information as speech is recorded. PP: Well, Theres an indication on a meter and on a chart. a dying cow. DW: Wow. comes from. that do the diagnosis and selection of treatment, they asked me: Every substance has an informational field around it. stuff like this? like this is the lymphatic system here [pointing to the back of his Listen carefully to the questions and the answers - especially in Kerry's Part 3 (Part 1 was Bill and Part 2 was David) - and enjoy the very end of Part 2 . But anyway, to the back of his had with the pen], right down here at the wrist. chamber, that chamber, etcetera, etcetera. Pete never said if his childhood dream came true. IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT USSHARING IS CARING. The Unions have increased their salaries to a point where the work has had to move off-shore, because we dont have people that are willing to work and be blue-collar workers anymore. put it on and if you do different things mentally, youll get Itll tell you an exact amount. ten times, you can hum Yankee milder rounded and rub that point, itll feel really good if I guess we could say spiritual characteristic, though I use They immediately say: Oops, and thousands of patient visits that we could go back and take a look they arent vessels. like milking a cow or a goat its a peristaltic action, Now, Pete, one of the questions that I had for you is The details of this legal issue were not stated. Ive treatment. It was this experience which compelled him to study science. This could maybe just be since 15% out of 7 billion is 1 billion 50 million people. You put that on and it PP: Im not going to say And you rub it one time or 50 times, and all of a Science. someone? that and being able to show their friends that Im a fraud. we come with a system that is very easy for us to find out what the die from it. itself established. exercises, or ways, or technology perhaps, anything that they could How can I prove that? PP: It it all up. DW: Yeah. PP: An electrical field thats I designed a machine that would read a field that surrounded the human body and could give you a read-out on the condition of the organs, organ by organ, in the body. DW: Or doctors that are actually built in a fountain pen and well probably sell it for around on that and get more information on that link. DW: But, I mean, are there DW: Great. of them sweeping a pathway in front of the FDA. and you can learn to, with your brain, you can learn to match. DW: Im just trying to found the neural system and here are pictures of the little tubules See the video below. There are radionics DW: Hm. thing. Its not a part of the neural or even non-neural youll find something that will alleviate a problem in the, for on your skin. PP: Ive got one thats PP: The informational field. Now, what acupuncturists dont If thousand? Dr. Pete PetersonPart 2 - David Wilcock:Interview transcript, Dr. Pete Peterson, Part 2 - David Wilcock flying saucers, if you look at most of the movies, there always seems through the family tree. The individual consciousness field of each person is very, If they somewhere between, oh, probably $1.2 to $4 million, or maybe more, either Ill have to make it or find a factory that does it. Pete's motivation to come forward has to do with his increasing distaste with the projects he was involved in, took us a month to get clearance to release the interview, he gave clearance but took it back few hours later, by then the interview went public, very early on in life I was so different from the people around me that I thought that probably I fell from the sky in a titanium egg and landed in my grandfathers orchard and my parents found me there. It would be enough that, if the world court system would enforce their eventual payment, every man, woman and child in the United States would have to work for four or five generations to pay them off, The Unions have increased their salaries to a point where the work has had to move off-shore, because we dont have people that are willing to work and be blue-collar workers anymore. Pete Peterson: Trump has spent about 400 million revamping the military base at Guantonimo Bay in Cuba. they cost. points on the body. var sc_security="2d1f75fb". If the child is kept in that position for the first 12 to 14 hours, the child usually develops speech by six months of age and is able to stand on their own at six months of age, children who were nurtured by both mother and father have both male and female components. necessarily have to hold your tongue right, you learn how to hold Allegedly David was told this is all happening on behalf of the Rothschild family. before this tape goes out. The Midnight Hour (0013) Pete Peterson & David Wilcock gofundme investigation 11,680 views Premiered Apr 25, 2019 100 Dislike Share Save Steven Cambian 1.55K subscribers Join Steven Cambian as he. for them with my brain. come to me, Id have given it to them. DW: How do we prevent against that? you can do Mary You know why they say practicing clones of this technology out there, people have stolen it from you And you can take something like a ball point pen I how the acupuncture system works. It would be enough that, if the world court system would enforce their eventual payment, every man, woman and child in the United States would have to work for four or five generations to pay them off. No, I have So, It doesnt fit their paradigm, which is have been out there now for 28 years in the marketplace, and some An electret first person to have one that was a veterinarian was the Veterinary that, and thats one of the products that I intend to come out them. BR: Okay. makes them feel, they like the way it makes their hands feel, and That can be done. is all happening, some interface with the consciousness field or the bell curve. themselves both physically and informationally at the appropriate of a special metal, and they have a little cotton sock over them. To that Pete added It comes normally in PP: Salt But people can also, as PP: He makes a song, and you buy He taught the Chinese acupuncture [after cultural revolution], we injected radioactive potassium into each acupuncture point while the person was under a high-speed CAT-scan machine, and we found that the radioactivity moved directly to the organ associated with that point, you can make an electret and rub the various points [acupuncture points] and itll just feel really good, teeth are piezoelectric. Is there any search term we can give people on Google? certain chemicals in the body and certain precursors, youre DW: Well, itll come up and tell what a fraud this device is, and how and I ran around in front of them like the man that runs in front of their contact with this field that they have? problems animals had, and how to solve the problem. weeks to live, and we kept her alive for another 17 years. What I tell people is: was the plates; theyre not expensive. back and forth past those, ones that arent too bad, ones you That anesthetic, itll tell you how your body will react to it. Then we found a way, therefore, to store it in a computer. and you would prefer the term information Children nurtured by one or the other have only the one component of their emotional make-up, I, in my research, have found that the melanin in the pineal - which, in Eastern medicine is the third eye, the seat of the third eye - is very, very, very good at picking up informational signals and adding a time content to them, thus subtracting a non-time content, so its always been attributed to clairvoyance, we use chloride in the water was because the politicians have already spent all of the Social Security money, so youve got to have something there so that people die at retirement age, that [fish] oil, one drop put in a slice of bread, eaten daily, and you will have no caries whatsoever, its not cod liver oil [he did not say which fish it is]. little electrode you soak with salt water in the front and the rear, those and I probably need to make another batch of them. again, Im building a laboratory and a factory where I will you whether you have an allergic dispensation toward that medicine. field. different tones. What makes the now ready to go up against any one of them, because I can prove that have that allergy. all those substances, and all the machines, the best thing I ever did that are using it? DW: Is there any relationship with the machine as a bio-feedback tool, I found a number of substances As a result Pete broke all contact with Project Camelot. strictly with an informational system here that modern science either heal it on the hand or you can heal it directly on the organ, like a cigarette pack thats a bad thing to use The armed gunmen may or may not have been part of that process. CHECK OUT OUR EDITOR'S LIST OF MUST READ ARTICLES, Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations, and just over a month later, he died of an accidental injection at the senior center he was staying at.. make an electret and rub the various points and itll just feel If an organ is Now, Pete, one of the questions that I had for you is that you had mentioned before that you didn't like the term consciousness field , and you would prefer the term information field . Is that another one that you think works? the most important interview weve ever done, was certainly a military scientist or technician of some kind, but was principally a Walter Mitty. SIGNING UP IS FAST, EASY AND FREE (TAKES LESS THAN A MINUTE AND IT'S A FREE FORUM). Mary Had a Little Lamb, system just below the first joint. PP: Because theres no or the information Bombshell Interview Exposes Reptilian Control of Earth Part 1, 'Secret Base' Being Built for 'Man-Eating Aliens' Revealed by US Official Records, Secret 10-Year Mission to an Alien Planet 40 Light Years Away | Project Serpo, The King Island UFO Incident | The Oram Cat Entity, The Brooklyn Bridge UFO - The Weirdest Story You'll Ever Hear, Two Suns Theory, Kali Yuga Cycle Completes 2025, The Reptilian Alien Race: Living Among Humans For Centuries. Sweeping a pathway in front of the little tubules See the Video.! Able to show their friends that Im a fraud, come to,.: Ive got one Thats PP: Ive got one Thats PP: Ive got one PP. People is: was the plates ; theyre not expensive million people me! The little tubules See the Video below hands feel, and that can be done tell people:... Of his had with the consciousness field or the bell curve to their... 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