Includes a list of Inmates. .rwFooter { Located at Xenia, Greene County, To the Governor of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] Hebrew Orphan Asylum Amsterdam Avenue & 137 Street, Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material The descriptions vary from census to census; however, in virtually all cases they provide the individual's name, race, sex, age, and status (inmate versus caretaker)., The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Picture Collection, Findmypast continues toaddsubstantial numbers of New York records to their Catholic Heritage Archive. Some children were also considered orphans if their father was absent or dead. Among its gems, the site includes copies of all the orphanage records relating to about 150 anonymised case files, which provide a vivid insight into the often complex circumstances that could bring a child into care. and [Y] Many New Yorkers have Catholic ancestors. Lake Lawrence Lay Brothers lay teacher Louis Mary's Mass Michael Minn Mission month Mother Motherhouse Novices Ohio Order Order of St Orphan Asylum pastor Patrick's Paul Paul's Peter Philadelphia Pitt Postulants Priests prof Providence Pupils rector Religious Sacred . }, RootsWeb is funded and supported by The first orphan asylum in New York City, a Protestant institution, now located at Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., was established in 1806 largely through the efforts of Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. [W] Inmates. New York, NY 10036-8105. This database contains an index and images of records for residents of poorhouses and almshouses in New York State. Copyright 1996-2023 Cyndi Ingle, [E] database, more details available on their site] Title Brooklyn Orphan Asylum; Call Number SWEL_0493; Summary Image represented is one of a related set (SWEL 0501), some of which may also be described in this new record; Two exterior views, in different sizes, of Brooklyn Orphan Asylum located at 1435 Atlantic Avenue. [I] The New York Public Library. Parishes covered:440click here to see the full list, Counties covered:Bronx County,Dutchess County,New York County (Manhattan), Orange County, Putnam County, Richmond County (Staten Island), Rockland County, Sullivan County,Ulster County, and Westchester County. Olive Tree Genealogy - Society for Relief of Half-Orphans & Destitute Children 1900, Manhattan New York. Many immigrants found themselves unable to work and thus were unable feed their children. i believe as time goes on many more horrible stories will surface. My father his brother and sister were there. .rwFooter { }, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Includes a list of Widows and Orphans, and amount of Pensions accrued, for the Name; Estimated Birth Year; Birthplace Mayd [Mary?] were run by members of Catholic religious orders, such as the Sisters of Charity, urchinTracker(); The Archives does have some orphanage/ industrial school records, including the admission records for St. John's Orphan Asylum dating from 1845 to 1970, St. Joseph's House for Homeless Industrious Boys (Philadelphia) dating from 1904 to 1940, and St. Francis . The names in the first volume represent 13,000 children who lived in the Roman Catholic New York Foundling Hospital between 1870 and 1925. Asylum for Period Beginning November, 1902, and Ending Try 3 issues for just 5 when you subscribe to Who Do You Think You Are? Other charities the Childrens Mission to the Children of the Destitute (Boston), the New York Juvenile Asylum, the New England Home for Little Wanderers (Boston), and the New York Foundling Hospital also followed the Children's Aid Society's example, using Orphan Trains to relocate destititute and abandoned children. Alumni List. A boys orphanage at Stepney Causeway opened in 1870, and by the time of his death in 1905, Barnardos cared for more than 8,500 children in almost 100 homes. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, Ships Includes a list of Inmates. font-size: 10pt; He was buried in the Cathedral Cemetery in Baltimore in 1852 and removed to the new Baltimore Cathedral Cemetery in 1878. . They charge a 25 administrative fee for all enquiries about a relative, with additional charges for the records. State Orphan Asylum for the Period Beginning September 1, Odd Fellow's Orphans Home Report, 1898 Central Pa. text-align: center; Includes a list of orphans admitted to the home. Passenger Lists to Galveston, Texas 1846-1871, Join Some of the new records are from 1920 (now the most recent year available), and other parts of this large update linknewly online images to entries that have been in the index for some time. Includes year and place of birth. Directors of the Orphan Asylum, Districts Nos. Institutions used a standard form that can provide rich detail on inmates. The hyperlink above leads to Barnardos family history research service. Orphan records, Almshouse records, Ancestor photos, Census substitutes, Newspaper records, family surnames, church records, military muster . I would appreciate any information regarding records that might have survived the fire and where they may be found. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Barrin? Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] Hebrew Orphan Asylum Amsterdam Avenue & 137 Street, Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database] Parish and orphanage registers, 1870-1956. Designed as a hub for sharing memories and information about childrens homes, this site is particularly good for finding obscure orphanage records, such as the Woking Railway Orphanage (also known as the Southern Railway Servants Orphanage), for children whose fathers had died during their work on the railways. Up until 1932 children could be admitted to the orphanage by their parents or individuals, Misericordia Hospital, or the Juvenile Court. [O] of 354 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1869 [NAC online Westchester began housing destitute children in its Almshouse in Eastview. He finally went to mass on my wedding day in 1962 his name was Leo j kern and he hated both places. and Ending August 31, 1912. Source: Catholic-Hierarchy . On February 10, 1653, two men were appointed to act, not as Orphanmasters as originally intended, but as Overseers of Orphans. [V] the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, the oldest of the Catholic Charity agencies, to oversee the care of these children. (still image) urchinTracker(); When they let us out on the play yard, I always went to the fence so I could sit with my little brothers. The education that I received and some of the friendships that I forged there helped to shape my life. I think this is too important not to document. Texas State Orphan Asylum 1905/6 Report - Biennial Many women also had illegitimate children that they could not provide for. [$]. This place was such a big part of Buffalo history. I. O. To find orphanage records, first determine what orphanages existed in the region and time period your ancestors lived. online database, more details available on their site] sites of the St. John's Home at Coney Island and Hicksville, N.Y. Care of children Names Odd Fellow's Orphans Home Report, 15th Texas Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home Report, Maine Military and Naval Orphan Asylum 1907-08 Report, 37th Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, 19th Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, Miss Information. November 14, 1851, inclusive. Robert L. Bracklow photograph collection, 1882-1918 (bulk 1896-1905) Date . of 354 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1869 [NAC online Children's Home and Aid Society of Illinois records, MSCGAS75: An inventory of the collection at the University of Illinois at . Our last name was Riegelmann There were two of us who are confirmed by nameI was born Stefan, and my brother is Robert. By 1890, there were 12 orphanages in the city. My name is Virginia Gottstein Deinzer. Remember, members of the NYG&B have free access to all North American records on Findmypast. Learn more. New York Vital Records Timeline: Key dates that impact your research, New York Vital Record Substitutes: Religious Records, Finding New York Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, Royden Woodward Vosburgh's Religious Record Transcriptions, New York Genealogical & Biographical Society, 36 West 44th Street 7th Floor It is called St. Martin Village. I lived here from 8/55 until Summer 0f '56, when we were all moved out following the fire that was set by a resident in Jan.6,56. "The website focuses on the period from the societys founding in 1881 up until the end of the First World War. Remember the alabaster Guardian Angel in the foyer? Includes year and place of birth. Another commercial site with some relevant registers including 'Derbyshire, Derby Railway Servants' Orphanage Registers 1875-1912' and 'Surrey Institutional Records 1788-1939' which contains transcriptions from a number of institutions that cared for orphans and other children. Sister Angela Botti, president of board of directors. Inmates [$], 28th Oxford Orphan Asylum Annual Report - Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Directors, Treasurer and Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, A. F. & A. M. For the Year Ending November 30, 1900. Regini Coeli Orphan Asylum, 610 North Hill Street, Los Angeles (1905) Auspices, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1880, New York state passed a law that ended the practice of housing children in Almshouses with adults, unless they were born there. Report of the Board of Trustees and Superintendent of the Throughout the nineteenth century, the number of social welfare . Counties covered:Bronx County, Dutchess County,New York County, (Manhattan), Orange County, Putnam County, Richmond County (Staten Island), Rockland County, Sullivan County, Ulster County, andWestchester County. Last Name: Gurn Blanston. Opened in 1828, the Almshouse cared for impoverished adults and the elderly, and children shared space with them. True Blue Orphanage near Picton, in Hallowell Township Prince Edward County B. The boys were on one side, the girls on the other. [H] You can contact me at but change the AT to @ before you hit SEND, _uacct = "UA-753351-2"; (Images of a card index) The microfilm index is cataloged separately in Church of Jesus . Locating Orphanage Records Orphanages were operated by state and local governments, religious groups, and private benefactors. 1885 Letter from Kate Stewart, Home Child with Miss Rye, to her Brother John Names of orphaned children in Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Manhattan New York from the 1900 census. [$], Girard College for Orphans 1849 Report - Second Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Girard College for Orphans, For the Year 1849. All rights reserved Search Bayland Orphan Home Records near Morgan's Point on Goose Creek in what is now Baytown, Texas. 564 Dodge St Orphanage Buffalo NY. Orphanage Stenography Graduates 1906 The categories include Salvation Army homes; Roman Catholic orphanages; Jewish orphanages; reformatories and remand homes; and Poor Law schools. Names online database, more details available on their site] [J] P.J . This guide from TNA is more focused on orphanage records created by central government departments than individual children. [$], 1898 Central Pa. I would welcome any suggestions. The Orphan Asylum Society of the City of Brooklyn was established as the first organization of its kind by Mrs. Joshua (Ann) Sands and other prominent Brooklynites in 1833. [G] However, they currently have a backlog in responding to enquiries because of the covid-19 pandemic. The asylum was originally founded to help a group of siblings, aged 3 to 12 years, orphaned by cholera en route to San Francisco. I and my two brothers were there for two years between 1942-44. Some parents were addicted to alcohol or committed crimes and wound up in prison. "The Hidden Lives website is a treasure trove of orphanage records from the archives of the Childrens Society (originally the Waifs and Strays Society), formerly one of the major providers of childrens homes in Britain. circa 1902-1919. Child Apprentice Surnames Odd Fellow's Orphans Home Report, 1899 Central Pa. True Blue Orphanage near Picton, in Hallowell Township Prince Edward County [R][S] To browse this image set, select from the options below. I am a genealogist and specialize in locating orphans. Report of the Board of Trustees and Superintendent of the You can contact me at but change the AT to @ before you hit SEND, _uacct = "UA-753351-2"; BB Class of 81'. All Rights Reserved. Schools, for the year May 31, 1898. Counties covered include: There are a few projects to bring online records from other Dioceses in New York, but the Catholic Heritage Archive on Findmypast only holds records from the above counties at this present moment. [L] [$], Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Jewish Home for Children aka Jewish Foster Home and Orphan Asylum of Philadelphia, Church Lane (Mill Street), Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 1900, Hebrew Orphan Asylum (HOA) Amsterdam Avenue, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 1910, It's not an orphanage but I didn't know where else to put this incredible database - a List of those who died while in Staten Island Quarantine May 1849 - Dec. 1850 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Almshouse Records New York 1819-1840 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Almshouse Records New York City 1855-1858 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Orphans in the Sisters of Charity Orphan Asylum New York City, New York 1860 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Orphan Asylum Society Manhattan New York 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Society for Relief of Half-Orphans & Destitute Children 1900, Manhattan New York [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Rochester, Monroe Co., New York in 1850 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Albany Orphan Asylum Albany City, New York, 1900 [An Olive Tree Genealogy free database], Pennsylvania Soldiers' Orphan Schools 1894 Annual Report - Annual There was a teacher named Mrs.O'Brian that used to jam her keys into my hands if I forgot to dust something or if I waved to my brother Bill,she would jam them into my head. New York vital recordsare not organized in a single system - depending on the time and place of an ancestors life event, researchers will need to look in different repositories maintained by different organizations. Back to the INDEX to Orphan Records and Orphanages, URL: This makes religious recordscrucial vital record substitutes. My husband and I were just there this morning. The Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Kingsbridge, Bronx, New York City, undated (ca. (function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'7a11e473fc754a2f',m:'3r5WABk2S_ED99UsrFRx4nuxUe1oc7fpQUVdNw_9nqM-1677678873-0-AdcrAqlzR5ZlmP2p86jXdolUwjfR+ZDmhIv9TxjxUm0YTdkVqNuJy4JVnHyg5FK/F50p9aWYLEcj2MS1CkthnTYINzGsdJXFJD64qNdaiVZEwt1CxFTHWgrKCekk+0JUTP8sKEFbkrh0870SaRb4ngY=',s:[0x1ff02a6a01,0xa5a4bc11f2],u:'/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g'};var,offset=14400,ts=''+(Math.floor(now)-Math.floor(now%offset)),_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/scripts/alpha/invisible.js?ts='+ts,document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.nonce = '';_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})(); Christ's Hospital, London 1617-1778: Child Apprentice Surnames [B][C][D][E] NYHS_PR008_66000_2188. James j Cutalo. Some still exist, although they have often been renamed; for example the National Children's Home has become Action for Children who now offer a research service. Researchers should note that, although not included in this work, they may find references to the birthplace of the child's parents in the 1920 federal census and references to the birthplace of each child in the 1925 New York State census. urchinTracker(); Choose from the list of Almshouses and Orphanages below: Palatine (German) Orphaned Children Apprenticed by Gov. I would really appreciate the contact information if you would be kind enough to send me the info. Olive Tree Genealogy - Society for Relief of Half-Orphans & Destitute Children 1900, Manhattan New York Parishes covered:440click here to see the full list. Geralyn Goss, I suggest that you start with the Catholic Church's Buffalo Diocese main office. Excellent news for New York researchers with Catholic ancestors: New York Catholic genealogy records are finally coming online for the first time ever. Olive Tree Genealogy - Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Manhattan New York 1900 Names of orphaned children in Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Manhattan New York from the 1900 census. However, it is still a useful stomping ground for understanding the history of care, which is key to understanding what kind of records are held where. We believe she lived in this orphanage sometime between 1904-1918. of 1,877 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1871 [NAC Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, (1865) Virginia Gottstein 1940-1944. of 866 Home Children sailing from England to Canada in 1870 [NAC online Cs mother was too poor to look after him, so he went into a society home. Incorporated in 1834, the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Society of Brooklyn was founded to house and educate impoverished children and orphans in the then-village of Brooklyn, N.Y. Schools, for the year ending May 31, 1894 and Supplementary Many of her family members (I believe aunts and uncles) were placed in the orphanage sometime in the 40's. Other orphans were cared for in the workhouse. was financed by society members and Catholic church donations; the homes and school [K] }, RootsWeb is funded and supported by I'm starting to research my husband's mother side of the family. The two larger buildings depicted were from an enlargement of the the orphanage in 1887. Local ***, 28th Jewish Orphan Asylum Annual Report - Mrs.O'Brian used to jam her keys into my hands if I forgot to dust something or into my head if I waved to my brother in line. New York Public Library Digital Collections. "Apart from parental death, these included the childs illegitimacy, neglect, abandonment or homelessness, and the parents mental health problems or involvement in matters such as alcohol abuse, domestic violence and prostitution. Jonathan Scott is the author of A Dictionary of Family History. of Navy Invalid Pensioners, Widows and Orphans, complete to I do not remember the names of any of the children but I suppose they were somewhere in the recesses of my mind. Orphan Asylum Society of Brooklyn (Founded in 1832) Records request back to 1855: Brookwood Child Care (1960-present), 25 Washington St.. Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 596-5555 Asylum records kept at the University of Minnesota, Social Welfare History Archives, 320 Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625-9825 It is comprised of apartments and townhouses in new and renovated buildings. She always said that there were no records of her birth, because the orphanage had burnt down. Odd Fellow's Orphans Home Report - Second Annual Report of the Odd Fellows' Orphans Home of Central Pennsylvania, Located Near Sunbury, PA. Between 1869 and 1939 100,000 children were sent from various orphanages to Canada in search of a new life, becoming agricultural labourers or domestic servants. Includes a list of The orphans are arranged chronologically by census, and alphabetically thereunder, though only a handful of names exist for 1870. [$], Texas State Orphan Asylum 1909/10 Report - Biennial [$], 1901 Central Pa. (function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'7a11e58bec5995df',m:'kRbItqbuVlmmSNa34QzxCG7knh4rRHxIJ4fQvg.66zI-1677678918-0-ARGxzgXS72rt0fxW/wL/sJ0kIJwxD240vCZNbzh6jGdPGi1jSaXX9VJ+fYMGB60vhBJXaYrcD144EpbFHdaLF6MIqRIbLMlkFNLhY+sRYbv2ykFnS2oPBQXR7L1fIefn9w==',s:[0x5531bac6cd,0xce2b689e99],u:'/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g'};var,offset=14400,ts=''+(Math.floor(now)-Math.floor(now%offset)),_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/scripts/alpha/invisible.js?ts='+ts,document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.nonce = '';_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})(); FREE Genealogy and history site where you can find your ancestors with a search in free records of the Orphans in Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum in the 1850 U.S. Census, Rochester Ward 2, Monroe Co., . Read on to see exactly what counties and dates are covered and learn more about the most recent release. of other Diocese charities until the mid-20th century. in the Orphans Home & Female Aid Society in St Patrick's Ward, Toronto, between North Derbigny and North Roman. my father had to take us out of there after he realized how bad it was,which made thier situation very difficult but friends faimly and nieghbors came to the rescue thank god.i know all this is hard to believe but its all true and then some. Here you can search a database of British Home Children's orphanage records. Their last name was GendoneFirst names were Joseph, Jessie, Anna, Charlotte, and Ross. database, more details available on their site] Moral & Industrial Training School, St Joseph's Infant Home in Troy, Rensellaer County New York, 1900, Half Orphan Asylum for Destitute and Abandoned Children, Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum (I have been transcribing these records), Westchester-Temporary Home for Destitute Children in White Plains opened in 1885. Names This collection contains a two-volume work that encompasses the "Orphan Train Riders" from NYFH. Chicago had no Jewish orphanages until the 1890s. urchinTracker(); Names and our loyal RootsWeb community. State of Ohio, For the Fiscal Year 1888. Nineteenth Annual Report of the Board of Trustees and 2023 New York Genealogical & Biographical Society Terms of Service Privacy, free access to all North American records on Findmypast. 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